Thursday, September 13, 2012

Glade expressions review

I had a bit of trouble getting my products but i finally got them! One Wal-Mart only had the mist and the other had the oil diffuser. Unfortunately neither had anything but the pineapple mangosteen scent. Thankfully i love fruity smells! I tried the mist first. I think it smells great. Not too strong. Love that i can control how much is sprayed and that it's not overbearing. The scent could last a bit longer but overall is great to have in my home. I also love that the packaging can be taken off the sprayer so it is just plain. Our i guess if someone wanted to, they could decorate it themselves. I tried the oil diffuser next. Very simple abc's easy to put together. Not messy at all, unlike some oil based products. It has a very strong smell. I had it on my coffee table since it looked nice but had to move out because the scent was so strong. I wish there was a way to lighten the scent a bit out at least have that control but overall i love it and the design. I'm glad i was chosen to try out these glade expressions products. Thank you bzzagent! ***i received this product free from bzzagent in exchange for my opinion. All opinions are my own.