Thursday, May 22, 2014

Learning Success Program Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I decided to give this program a try through Tomoson after noticing how my son acts when we try to do his homework in pre-k. Yes, I said pre-k. He had homework 3 times a week and had 2 short little take home books that they had to read twice a week. He could usually read them pretty well but if he wasn't feeling like it, he wouldn't even try. My son has never been diagnosed with any of these "learning difficulties" but that doesn't mean he does or doesn't have them. I don't have a color printer so I actually ended up printing some of these out in black & white and then using crayons to match the colors in the emailed exercises in order to complete the activities. My son has started to like some of the activities and has even fully finished a few of them but we are still working on it. This program is only going to be useful to you if you stick to it. Like the program description below says, results start at around 3 months. I haven't been doing the program with my son that long, so I haven't started to see many results. I have confidence that I will in the future by sticking with this program my son will be able to overcome some of the issues that he has had in school. He starts kindergarten next year so I'm hoping we can get some of these issues worked out by the time he goes back to school.

Program Description:
The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Helps overcome learning difficulties such as:

  • Dyslexia 
  • Dyscalculia 
  • Dysgraphia 

Each of these terms simply means that there is a weakness in two or more of these basic learning skills. But it doesn't define which. Once you get started in the course you'll quickly find the trouble spots. Once you do that your child will be on the path to learning success. You will learn simple exercises that strengthen the skills needed for successful learning. Modern scientific breakthroughs have discovered a number of methods for overcoming these problems. Once you do your child will actually enjoy homework.
The normal price for this course is $564
The course is delivered via email. You will receive emails each day with exercises you simply print out and do with your child. Takes approximately 15 - 20 minutes 3-5 days per week. Results are typically seen starting at about 3 months but can come earlier. Severe problems will take approximately 1 year to overcome. We will continue delivering exercises for one year or until you cancel.

For more information or to purchase the program for yourself - click here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Giveaway | Haven Series Collection by D.C. Akers

One lucky winner will receive a code to download the Haven Series Collection - Two Book Set - By D.C. Akers. Enter now!

Book Review | Haven Series Collection By D.C. Akers

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I'll admit that I haven't done a whole lot of reading in a while. I decided to go ahead and give these books a shot because they were new and from an author I've never read. I will quite often deny that I like fantasy type books but that is mainly because I am so picky on the types of fantasy books I read. I couldn't get into Harry Potter or the Twilight books. Some books are either too juvenile for my liking or they start too slow. I prefer books to jump out, grab me, and keep me hooked until I've read the book in a day or two. I'm beginning to think that I prefer the more twisted fantasy books over others. It really all depends on my mood though. 

Book Descriptions:

Haven Series Collection (Books 1 & 2): 

Known as a place of refuge, Haven is a sanctuary for those with supernatural abilities. Decades of peace between the Witches, Vampires, Goblins, Elves, and Orcs is coming to an end. Now the once tranquil world is shrouded in deception and corruption. Dark secrets tear at the very fabric of their alliance, giving way to an evil that stirs in the shadows. Exhilarating and utterly gripping, the HAVEN series is an action-packed journey full of suspense, magic, mystery, and intrigue.

A Stranger Magic (Book 1):

Sam Dalcome thinks he is so completely average that no one ever notices him. Until he discovers a mysterious stranger outside his home. Bewildered, he tries to uncover the stranger’s intentions. But Sam is sidetracked when he and his friend Travis discover a secret passageway deep in the town’s quarry that leads to a hidden cavern. What they uncover next will not only change their lives forever, but will uncover the first clue to a deadly Dalcome family secret. Sam finds himself drawn into a world of mystery and magic he never knew existed, which brings him closer to a destiny he never knew was possible. Get it today for FREE.

Revenge of the Viper (Book 2):

The Great War of Haven ended thirteen years ago but Alisa Dalcome is about to discover that the war did not end for her. Placed on Earth as a sleeper agent for the Majesty of Haven, Alisa had one objective—protect the portal keys at all costs. In the wrong hands the magical keys could jeopardize the safety of everyone on Haven. But Alisa’s relocation was more than just Majesty business; it was also a chance for her to escape her enemies, enemies that still wanted her dead. Alisa wasn’t thinking about herself when she left Haven, she was thinking about her children Sam and Sarah. The Great War had already taken her husband Rylan; she would be damned if she would let it take her children too. But what Alisa didn’t count on was her inquisitive son Sam and his friend Travis. Sam’s world has turned upside down after discovering magic is real. After barely escaping the caves Sam begins to piece together the past day’s events when he stumbles onto his mother’s secret past. With the clues mounting, Sam must dig deeper to uncover the truth that could change his life forever.
But Sam doesn’t realize that his mother’s past has already caught up with them. Hidden within the shadows nearby is Haven’s most malevolent predator—the Viper. A hunter forged from the blackest of magic, it watches, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Can Sam uncover the truth in time or will his mother’s past collide with the present placing them all in grave danger?

My Review

I don't plan to spoil the books for you, so please feel free to continue reading. 

Everyone seems to have different opinions about the pace of these books. I, personally, find the book to be a little on the slow paced side. I'm not sure if that is due to the shorter chapters with longer descriptions and details or if my mind is automatically comparing it to other fantasy books I have read. That isn't necessarily a bad thing though. I am a single mother of a 5 year old that wants Mommy's attention all the time, so the slower pace and shorter chapters make it easier to put the book on hold until you get another chance to read. Some people are able to put a bookmark anywhere and pick up right where they left off, but I have to stop at chapter marks. It's almost like I will forget everything I've read if I bookmark anywhere else. I might just be OCD though :)

One thing I do love about the author is the details and descriptions. Some people love a good fantasy book but don't have the mind that creates the vision like others do without deeper descriptions to help. He is very good at painting the picture that helps us envision the story in our minds while we read. These books definitely take you to another place and help capture your attention. There are other worlds and characters that could use more descriptions but with any series, that just means there is room for more books where they will quite possibly be featured. 

The Conclusion

I would definitely recommend reading these books if you are into other fantasy books like Harry Potter and Twilight. They are great books for someone with a hungry imagination that wants to be taken to another world. 

You can purchase the ebooks on for the Kindle Price of $4.95 which includes both books. If you prefer a physical book, you can get the paperback in large print for $11.81 (as currently listed on

Author Contact Information

D.C. Akers

Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest | YouTube

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Listerine 21 Day Challenge

I received 2 bottle of Listerine courtesy of CrowdTap in exchange for taking part in the 21 day challenge. I didn't receive mine in time to do the full 21 days. More like half that. I was using a non-alcohol type mouth wash due to my mouth being sensitive. I went ahead and tried Listerine again in hopes that it would be better this time around. I was quite surprised. I don't have the greatest teeth. They aren't like falling out of anything but I have 2 back teeth that are chipped from back when I first got my tongue pierced (the metal barbell) and I was a smoker. I have since stopped smoking and am strictly vaping so that is helpful and I don't have to worry about chipping teeth with a plastic barbell in my tongue. When I previously used Listerine it was sooooo strong that a few seconds after I started swishing my eyes would water like crazy and my eyes would start burning. My mouth would start burning and tingling and my teeth would hurt because they are kind of sensitive. I'm not sure if they changed anything or my mouth quit acting crazy. Now when I use it I still have the burning in my cheeks and my eyes still water, but it's nowhere near as bad as before. I can actually stand using it now. It helps my mouth feel clean and my breath fresh. I definitely will switch back to Listerine after this challenge. I think the best part of the challenge was the fun picture challenges CrowdTap had us do. Funny faces are always fun. Not the typical picture challenge. I love trying products through CrowdTap. I always have a great time doing them! You can purchase Listerine at most retailers (I get mine at Walmart) or you can click here for a list of online stores to purchase at.
The bottom picture is one of the challenge pics. Swishing with shades :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Kellogg's Special K Coffee House Breakfast Shakes

I usually drink special k shakes but am strongly opposed to anything chocolate. It usually tastes extremely diet-y. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at the taste of this shake. The chocolate didn't taste weird, It had a good coffee taste to it, and it was smooth. I think it's great to have if you are on the go a lot. This not only gives you a quick breakfast shake but a free caffeine boost along with it. I would definitely purchase this again that's for sure! I figured that the vanilla cappuccino would be my favorite because I love the regular vanilla protein shake but this time I was wrong. The flavor wasn't very good. It tasted a little chalky to me with a hint of vanilla and a tiny coffee after taste. It does taste a little diet-y too. If this was my only choice, I could deal with it since it's easy to chug. Otherwise, the chocolate mocha is my favorite. You can find these at your local retailers, such as Walmart or purchase online through Amazon. For Chocolate Mocha clickhere and for Vanilla Cappuccino click here.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Herbal Essences Body Wash - Hello Hydration

I was a bit iffy on trying this body wash out. I don't usually end up with a hair product that starts making a body wash. First off, the smell is awesome! Hello Hydration is made with coconut extract. I'm not a huge fan of coconut when it comes to food but I love it as the scent of products I buy. The product itself is eye catching due to the beautiful, vibrant, blue color of the body wash. I have a thing for bright colors, so it helps that it is eye catching. The other great thing about this product is that there are matching hair products. If you don't want to have to worry about what scents mesh well, this is a great product for you. The body wash lathers great. I personally use a pouf, so the lather may be different depending on how you use your body wash. It definitely works great with a pouf. You don't have to use but maybe a quarter size dot on your pouf and it bubble up quick and stays that way throughout washing your entire body. Obviously if you run the pouf under water while soaping up, you may have to add more. For me, the one application was enough for me. Pair this body wash with the Hello Hydration hair products and you'll smell like beautiful orchid and coconut all day. I can't make a huge comment on whether this product moisturizes your skin or not due to the condition of my water and where I live. We have well water which has a tendency to dry my skin out and the temperatures went from freezing to 90's with a quickness around here in Oklahoma. So needless to say, my skin is always a little dry. I would definitely recommend this product and plan to buy this in the future. Maybe they should make a body lotion for this next. Then the collection would be complete! You can purchase this body wash at Walmart and other retailers or online here. Have you tried it? Let me know what you thought! I received a sample of Herbal Essences Body Wash in Hello Hydration from Crowdtap in exchange for my opinion. #THEHERBALISTAS

I'm Baaaaack!

Hey everyone! I got busy working and not having a computer once I got time to get back to blogging. I am definitely back and ready to get some hopefully informative and helpful posts up soon. I have probably at least 10 products I will be reviewing over the next month so be on the lookout! Thanks for reading! :) Jessey aka Redhead Momma