Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Listerine 21 Day Challenge

I received 2 bottle of Listerine courtesy of CrowdTap in exchange for taking part in the 21 day challenge. I didn't receive mine in time to do the full 21 days. More like half that. I was using a non-alcohol type mouth wash due to my mouth being sensitive. I went ahead and tried Listerine again in hopes that it would be better this time around. I was quite surprised. I don't have the greatest teeth. They aren't like falling out of anything but I have 2 back teeth that are chipped from back when I first got my tongue pierced (the metal barbell) and I was a smoker. I have since stopped smoking and am strictly vaping so that is helpful and I don't have to worry about chipping teeth with a plastic barbell in my tongue. When I previously used Listerine it was sooooo strong that a few seconds after I started swishing my eyes would water like crazy and my eyes would start burning. My mouth would start burning and tingling and my teeth would hurt because they are kind of sensitive. I'm not sure if they changed anything or my mouth quit acting crazy. Now when I use it I still have the burning in my cheeks and my eyes still water, but it's nowhere near as bad as before. I can actually stand using it now. It helps my mouth feel clean and my breath fresh. I definitely will switch back to Listerine after this challenge. I think the best part of the challenge was the fun picture challenges CrowdTap had us do. Funny faces are always fun. Not the typical picture challenge. I love trying products through CrowdTap. I always have a great time doing them! You can purchase Listerine at most retailers (I get mine at Walmart) or you can click here for a list of online stores to purchase at.
The bottom picture is one of the challenge pics. Swishing with shades :)

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