Thursday, May 22, 2014

Learning Success Program Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I decided to give this program a try through Tomoson after noticing how my son acts when we try to do his homework in pre-k. Yes, I said pre-k. He had homework 3 times a week and had 2 short little take home books that they had to read twice a week. He could usually read them pretty well but if he wasn't feeling like it, he wouldn't even try. My son has never been diagnosed with any of these "learning difficulties" but that doesn't mean he does or doesn't have them. I don't have a color printer so I actually ended up printing some of these out in black & white and then using crayons to match the colors in the emailed exercises in order to complete the activities. My son has started to like some of the activities and has even fully finished a few of them but we are still working on it. This program is only going to be useful to you if you stick to it. Like the program description below says, results start at around 3 months. I haven't been doing the program with my son that long, so I haven't started to see many results. I have confidence that I will in the future by sticking with this program my son will be able to overcome some of the issues that he has had in school. He starts kindergarten next year so I'm hoping we can get some of these issues worked out by the time he goes back to school.

Program Description:
The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Helps overcome learning difficulties such as:

  • Dyslexia 
  • Dyscalculia 
  • Dysgraphia 

Each of these terms simply means that there is a weakness in two or more of these basic learning skills. But it doesn't define which. Once you get started in the course you'll quickly find the trouble spots. Once you do that your child will be on the path to learning success. You will learn simple exercises that strengthen the skills needed for successful learning. Modern scientific breakthroughs have discovered a number of methods for overcoming these problems. Once you do your child will actually enjoy homework.
The normal price for this course is $564
The course is delivered via email. You will receive emails each day with exercises you simply print out and do with your child. Takes approximately 15 - 20 minutes 3-5 days per week. Results are typically seen starting at about 3 months but can come earlier. Severe problems will take approximately 1 year to overcome. We will continue delivering exercises for one year or until you cancel.

For more information or to purchase the program for yourself - click here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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